Friday, June 10, 2011

Mr. Yuck

A while back, M had some sort of poison control guest speaker visit his PreK class at FBA.  He came home with a nice bag full of poison literature, coloring pages, and a sheet of those infamous, green Mr. Yuck stickers.  I remember them from when I was a kid. You put them on things that are poisonous so that kids know not to eat them.

M took these little green guys very seriously.  His first one ended up on the kids' jar of vitamins. I told him that they weren't actually poisonous and he pointed out that they're only supposed to eat two . . . no more. Apparently that warranted a poison sticker. BAM!

After that, I opened the cabinet under the kitchen sink for him.  It has one of those child safe locks on it that all the kids can easily open, but I have a hard time undoing.  I showed him the plethora of dangerous cleaners housed there.  I was thinking, JACKPOT! He was very disinterested. He put one sticker on the Bar Keepers Friend and moved on.

I decided that he was on his own mission and that he didn't need my opinion on what was dangerous.  I left him to it and pretty much forgot about it.

Quite a while later, I entered our mater bathroom. I glanced around and realized that the Poison Police had paid us a visit. It appeared that the bathroom held much greater danger than the cabinet under the sink. 

Andrew's hair-styling products (I love me some spiky hair) each earned a Mr. Yuck.
*Note our awful viney wallpaper. This is the last room of the house that still contains the pink and green wallpaper from the previous owners. That deserves a Mr. Yuck sticker. He should have put it right on the wall.

My pretty perfumey (spell check says that's not a word. ha!) bottles also made the list.

But I really had to laugh when I got to the bathtub.  M must have spent some time standing in our tub sticking green yucky faces on all our bottles. From shaving creams to foot scrub and don't forget the face wash . . .  they all got marked. I've felt much safer in the shower knowing which things are safe for me to consume and which ones I should just wash with.

I'm glad to know that my boy has such a strong concern for his family's well being. Is your house properly marked?

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